Please enter the following booking form.
We will contact you within 24 hours. If you do not hear from us, please contact us as there may be communication problems.

*Same-day reservations cannot be guaranteed because it’s very hard for us to check email during business hours.

Thank you for your kind understainding and cooperation in advance.


    24時間以内に担当者よりご連絡致します。連絡が無い場合は通信トラブル等が考えられますのでご連絡をお願いします。We will contact you within 24 hours. If you do not hear from us, please contact us as there may be communication problems. Same-day reservations cannot be guaranteed because it's very hard for us to check email during business hours.

    お名前 name(必須)

    メールアドレス e-mail address(必須)

    電話番号 phone(必須)

    予約人数 number(必須)

    予約希望日(第1希望 1st)(必須)

    予約希望日(第2希望 2nd)(必須)

    時刻 time(必須)

    ご予約内容(税込) course(必須)

    メッセージ message

    入力内容を確認しました sending-confirm